Welcome Message

Welcome to my blog about Catholic life and family values.
This blog will center around the beauty of Catholicism and how to raise families, evangelize our faith, and fight the ongoing spritual battles that challenge us daily.

You are invited to share your wisdom on these pages with all the readers. Together we will address important life and faith issues and how to enhance our Catholic identity.

Key areas that you will find me addressing regularly will be about important Catholic doctrine and beliefs and how they help us raise strong Catholic Christian families. My hope is that you will learn, enjoy, and be challenged by my posts. You may be informed, amused, or even annoyed, but I hope it will in some way improve your Catholic faith.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Unleashed Potential

Last Saturday, our new dog Captain Jack made a jailbreak. Captain Jack is a one-year old Jack Russell that we picked up from the local Humane Society. If you know anything about Jack Russell's, you know they are smart, energetic, and FAST!

Captain Jack snuck through the opening in the front screen door (I knew I should have fixed that) and took off as fast as he could up the street. I took off after him which in his mind meant it was all fun and games. The chase was on.

I've got pretty good wheels for a 43-year old, but can't keep up with a one-year old Jack Russell. I chased him as hard as I could; bribing him, pleading, and begging the whole way. Fortunately for both of us, he found a dog penned in behind a fence very interesting and it gave me a chance to grab him and bring him back home.

Captain Jack saw his potential and went at it with all his might. What about us?

After I was able to really and think about the situation, it struck me that Captain Jack has the right idea. When you find your passion, go for it with all your might. For us Catholic Christians, shouldn't we go after heaven with the same reckless abandon? After all, that IS where we want to spend eternity. Shouldn't our focus be on that? Shouldn't all we do with our family, our business, our friendships, and our time be focused on getting to heaven?

Captain Jack taught me a lesson. AND, I'm not talking about fixing the screen door (well, maybe a little). He found his passion and went 100% for it. My passion is heaven...maybe I need to go just as hard as him after that.

What about you?

Vivat Jesus,

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