Welcome Message

Welcome to my blog about Catholic life and family values.
This blog will center around the beauty of Catholicism and how to raise families, evangelize our faith, and fight the ongoing spritual battles that challenge us daily.

You are invited to share your wisdom on these pages with all the readers. Together we will address important life and faith issues and how to enhance our Catholic identity.

Key areas that you will find me addressing regularly will be about important Catholic doctrine and beliefs and how they help us raise strong Catholic Christian families. My hope is that you will learn, enjoy, and be challenged by my posts. You may be informed, amused, or even annoyed, but I hope it will in some way improve your Catholic faith.

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Hail Mary Brigade

Nineteen thousand three-hundred and forty-five. OK..it looks like this - 19,345. Big number, huh?

That's how many Hail Mary's you will pray if you do a daily Rosary. That's 53 per day (remember the three when you start). This year, we get to add an additional day with leap year.

How powerful would it be if every Catholic prayed a daily Rosary? I don't have the numbers but it would be unbelievably high. Do you think our world would change? I do.

Join me and do your part. I have many years of not praying the Rosary to make up for. Let's change the world one bead at a time.

Vivat Jesus,


P.S. I have an interactive Rosary on this web site if you want to check it out. Go to the right and look down the navigation bar and you will find it.

P.S.S. Remember to e-mail me about signing up for the Doug Strauss teleconference. I think it's going to fill up fast, so don't wait! E-mail me at dan@danweedin.com today.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Special Prayer Request

This is a special prayer request for good friends of our family and members of our parish. The man just lost his 23-year old nephew in a tragic accident while he was on ski patrol in California. The young man was the only child of my friend's sister.

Having two children myself, I can't imagine the grief of losing one. Many of you I'm sure have and can empathize with this family. Please keep them in your prayers.

"For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world."

Vivat Jesus.


Saturday, January 26, 2008

Thanks to Teresa Tomeo

Many thanks to Teresa Tomeo for a great teleconference. Thanks also to those of you who participated. Please give me your feedback.

If you listened in, you heard Teresa talk with dismay over the lack of media coverage for the March for Life in Washington DC last Tuesday. EWTN did a great job on television and radio, but that was to be expected. It's hard to believe that an event that draws over 200,000 people in a peaceful demonstration in our nation's capital can go basically unnoticed.

We must remain vigilant in this fight. For 35 years this country has allowed the slaughter of millions of unborn babies and the fight continues to overturn it. This year is a pivotal one as our election for a new president looms. The entire Democratic contingent is pro-choice. Even some candidates in the Republican party waffle on the issue. Unfortunately, the National Right to Life Candidate Fred Thompson just dropped out of the race. Be prepared to wage a strong fight for the unborn...we must hold our elected officials accountable. Yet, we must also be accountable to what we do. Start with prayer and then move into action. The time is now!

Vivat Jesus,


Monday, January 21, 2008

How valuable is your time?

I once asked a client what he thought his time was worth. He answered without hesitation – “$300 per hour”. Okay. I can buy that. If your time was worth $300 per hour, how much money do you waste a day?

This was never more evident for me than this past week when I had a SNAFU with my e-mail. Seems I was “hijacked” and had a bunch of SPAM spewing from my e-mail out something I learned that is called “port 25”. Well, Comcast didn’t like that, so they shut down port 25. From Wednesday morning on, I could receive e-mail but not send from my Outlook. Big problem.

It would have been nice if Comcast would have advised me. I guess that would have been too easy. After all, how many hours could I have saved had I knew WHY I couldn’t send e-mails?

Fortunately, I had a member of my Toro Team help me get through this hurdle. Without his help, I would have wasted much more time.

I learned a valuable lesson during this time. I kept hearing the words “Be still and know I’m here.” In my frustration, I found that taking time and giving it to God was the best way I could deal with the situation. Your time is valuable. Think of the rewards you receive when you give it to God. You may find that he gives it back to you many times over!

What’s your time worth?

Vivat Jesus,


P.S. One valuable way to spend your time is by signing up for my teleconference on Wednesday with Teresa Tomeo. She will be teaching you how to wage the battle against the secular media for the minds and souls of your children. The time you spend building up your “artillery” will be a great return on your investment! To learn more, click here…

Friday, January 18, 2008

Love - Hate relationship

Technology has made it possible for me to work from home. I'm very grateful for it.

When it goes south...I hate it. My e-mail has gone haywire. I can receive e-mails but I'm not being allowed to send out. That's a problem. When 80% of your communication is down, it's disabling. The time spent to work on it is usually never considered as part of a loss of production.

However, it has given me time to think...

I wonder what God thinks when he receives e-mails (our prayers) and tries to reply, yet we aren't listening? Think about it. We send God a spiritual e-mail, yet are closed off to his response. Why?

Maybe we don't like His answer. Maybe we aren't listening due to all the noise around us. Maybe we just don't know HOW to listen.

Quiet time is vital. God speaks to us in silence. Take time out of your busy day to mediate in silence and listen for Him. And...be open to His suggestions not yours. That's the hard one for me.

How's your spiritual e-mail working? Is it truly a two-way communication?

Vivat Jesus,


P.S. Speaking of noise, time is running out to register for my teleconference interview with Teresa Tomeo this Wednesday at 6:00pm PST (9:00pm EST). To register now, go to my website and sign up. This will be YOUR opportunity to ask Teresa how to beat the secular media in the fight for your children's souls. If you have kids or grand kids, you won't want to miss it! Go to www.danweedin.com to learn more.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Have you read the Bible?

One of my goals this year is to finally read the entire Bible. If you're like me, you've read bits and pieces and parts of the Bible, listened to the readings and Gospel every Sunday; but never read the entire book.

I found a link that is helping me do this. I read about 3 to 4 chapters a day (roughly 20 minutes) and by the end of the year, will have finished the entire Bible. This systematic approach makes it more manageable for me...you might find the same. I just finished through Genesis 39 and will be into Exodus next week.

Want to give it a try? Check out this link!

Let me know how it goes...

Vivat Jesus,


Monday, January 7, 2008

Amazing Grace...

“Having heard all of this, you may choose to look the other way…but you can never say again that you did not know.”

- William Wilberforce (1759-1833)

This past weekend, my family watched the 2007 movie, Amazing Grace. Amazing is exactly what it turned out to be.

I’m embarrassed that as a History major I had never heard of William Wilberforce. Wilberforce was the leading abolitionist in the early 19th century leading the charge against the British Slave Trade. His pastor, John Newton, was the famed Slave Trade Captain who reformed and penned the song, Amazing Grace. He was Wilberforce’s inspiration for the fight.

The movie accurately characterized the power that Wilberforce conveyed in his ability to speak and present. Though it took over a decade (in large part due to the war with France) Wilberforce never relented and finally won a great battle in Parliament. Had it not been for Wilberforce’s skill as a dynamic communicator and presenter, who knows how many more lives would have been negatively impacted?

What lives do you currently impact? What lives can you impact? Either personally or through your chosen vocation, your ability to communicate your message carries great weight. Your family, your friends, and your clients gain value from you. And how about your faith? Do you ever run into situations where you must defend your faith? Regardless of your level of knowledge, being able to communicate what you know goes a long way in evangelizing your faith. Isn't that what we are called to do by Jesus?

Make the most of your gifts and change lives for the better, just like William Wilberforce did 200 years ago.


P.S. Want to get better at your presentations? Now is the time to register for my Panic to Power Boot Camp in Seattle on March 18. For more information, click here…