Welcome Message

Welcome to my blog about Catholic life and family values.
This blog will center around the beauty of Catholicism and how to raise families, evangelize our faith, and fight the ongoing spritual battles that challenge us daily.

You are invited to share your wisdom on these pages with all the readers. Together we will address important life and faith issues and how to enhance our Catholic identity.

Key areas that you will find me addressing regularly will be about important Catholic doctrine and beliefs and how they help us raise strong Catholic Christian families. My hope is that you will learn, enjoy, and be challenged by my posts. You may be informed, amused, or even annoyed, but I hope it will in some way improve your Catholic faith.

Monday, February 18, 2008

On the Front Line...

Today was the first day I was out on the front-line for 40 Days for Life. I was praying for life in front of the Planned Parenthood facility in Bremerton, WA. As I stood out there with another soldier in this battle, it dawned on me how busy the clinic was, even on a national holiday. That's why what we do as a faith community is so important. The evil of abortion takes no days off.

My friend and I prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet while people came in and out of the clinic. I also silently asked St. Michael to protect these people. I remembered the Gospel from today - "Do not judge lest you be judged." How important it is to pray for all people who don't understand the horror of abortion. We can't judge them...just pray for a change of heart.

We did get a few friendly honks from drivers passing by. That was encouraging. It was appropriate I guess though that the last one to honk at us as I was finishing my shift let out a an expletive laced shout as he drove by. The ironic thing was that the young lady on the passenger side simply waved. One out of two ain't bad!

Please remember to pray during these 40 days for an end to abortion. If you have a chance, go out and stand vigil in prayer before an abortion mill. You will be changed. It will take all of us to fight this holacaust of the unborn. But in the end, we will prevail.

Vivat Jesus,


P.S. Just a friendly reminder...my FREE teleconference tomorrow features my guest Doug Strauss from Gloria's Angels. Please join us at 6:00pm PST and listen to the incredible story of his daughter Gloria and how she transformed lives in her short time on earth. Let her story transform yours, too. Simply e-mail me at dan@danweedin.com to get the information on how you can participate.

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